Fundraising Campaign

To reach as much possible orphanages before Christmas To raise enough money before Christmas in order to start rapping the Christmas giftsTo raise the set amount of money to buy clothes and food

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Fundraising Campaign

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Donation Total: $100.00


Donation for Helping Women and Children in Chicago

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Donation for Helping Women and Children in Chicago

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Donation Total: $25.00


Empower the kids of Ghana By Volunteering Causes

By giving the kids access to better resources to supplement their pursuit of education we are literally empowering them into securing the best possible futures for themselves. Help me make a difference in Accra, Ghana.

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Empower the kids of Ghana By Volunteering Causes

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$ 0

About Us

We support children with disabilities by providing financial aid for their education, collecting necessary tools and equipment, creating physical therapy centers, and organizing activities.

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  • +18018972886

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