Donate used or unused equipment to support children with disabilities

Give the Gift of Mobility: Donate Equipment for Children with Disabilities

For many children with disabilities, having the right equipment can make all the difference in their ability to move, communicate, and participate in daily activities. By donating equipment such as wheelchairs, communication devices, and adaptive toys, you can help give these children the gift of mobility and independence. Your donation can bring joy and hope to a child and their family, and make a lasting impact on their quality of life.

Help Build a Better Future: Donate to Support Accommodated Schools and Therapy Centers

Education and therapy are crucial for children with disabilities to reach their full potential and build a better future. By donating to support accommodated schools and therapy centers, you can help provide these children with the tools and resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive. Your contribution can help create a welcoming and inclusive environment where every child is valued and empowered to succeed. Join us in the fight for equal opportunities and a brighter future for children with disabilities.

Donate Equipment

Donate equipment and make a difference. Fill out our form below and help us support kids with disabilities. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.

About Us

We support children with disabilities by providing financial aid for their education, collecting necessary tools and equipment, creating physical therapy centers, and organizing activities.

Connect With Us

  • +243823000180
  • +18018972886

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